Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Last proof, guys, so the book is finally ready for someone to purchase. :)

I found an awesome picture that helps get the point of the novel across immensely, without being too melodramatic.  There were other options, but this one fit the best. 

BTW, thanks to everyone who bought an e-book copy in the past month.  I don't know who you are, but you do. :)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sleepy Days

You wouldn't think it, but Arizona can get pretty cold. 

Sure, the days do eventually warm up to 70-some degrees, but it just doesn't feel as warm as 70 degrees should be.  Instead, I find myself hesitating to get out of bed, sleeping in to stay warm, and wearing nothing more than my new favorite ensemble: white sweatshirt and black sweatpants.  These are quite possibly the warmest things ever made.  EVER. 

I love it. 

What I don't love, is that I've had a temptation to have a bunch of sleepy days in a row.  I've taken to getting up at 5 o'clock in the morning.  Not quite used to that.  With any luck, I'll stop in the coming weeks, but I doubt it.

I can be quite stubborn when I want to be.

At any rate, I think I'm finally done with King Jeremy.  The edits were getting to wishy-washy, the type of thing you do when you keep thinking maybe I should be doing something else to it.  Sometimes, you just have to stop editing and just let it go.  Sort of like letting your kid go to kindergarten for the first time.  You prep him as much as you can, teach him not to hit other people, how to count and spell his name.  Then you walk him out to the bus stop and watch as he climbs the big yellow bus all by himself. 

I'm about to get teary-eyed already. :) 

I hope everyone had a fantastic New Year's, and now you guys are ready to get back to work.  I, for one, am so ready to keep writing.  It's weird at how I feel more like writing now that I've gotten this publishing thing up and going.  I hope this feeling stays with me.